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Quick instructions

Searching the Webshop

You can search for the product you’d like to order by 2 following methods

Selecting product category - on the eft-hand side you can pick up the category and see all the items that belong to it.

Search - On the top right of the page you’ll see a small search box, where you can enter product’s nameor description (or part of it)


Ordering products

After clicking the product name you’ll see large product image and a button ’Add to my order’. On the right side of the screen you’ll always see the contents of your shopping cart.

Filling in delivery details

Please make sure to properly enter the delivery address, and also the email and phone number where we can reach in case we need to. Do not forget to pick your country and select the desired shipping method (Regular post or Fedex). On the following screen you can choose your payment method, in case you’d like to pay instantly.